Friday 31 October 2008

Light Cahill for Izaac Walton Trust

Last night was club night, we tied flies for the Izaac Walton Cottage Trust with a view to giving them to the trust this weekend at the BFFI for fund raising.

I chose to tie a Light Cahill on a size 14 using yellow thread, wood duck for the tail and feathers, pale yellow superfine dubbing (I found the light cahill a little pale) for the body and a light ginger Whiting saddle hackle. I ensured I had a couple of layers of yellow thread over the hook before dubbing to give a depth of colour. In this instance I did not split the wings.

I always look forward to this show, and will stay over for the weekend. I like to take in as many demonstrations and talks as possible over the days but predominantly watch the tyers, you cannot fail to pick up new ideas and techniques.

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